🌉wTAO Bridge

TaoPad built the first bridge for wTAO utilizing the infrastructure of Layer Zero

WTAO was originally available only on Ethereum, TaoPad will enable $wTao to reach new chains starting with Arbitrum.

How does it work?

Bridging $wTao from Ethereum to Arbitrum

A user or entity who wants to transfer $wTao from Ethereum to Arbitrum initiates the process via a smart contract on Ethereum.

Main steps

  • Locking WTAO: WTAO tokens on Ethereum are locked. This is to ensure that the same assets are not simultaneously used on both networks and avoid double-spending.

  • Communication via Layer Zero: The Layer Zero protocol facilitates the communication between Ethereum and Arbitrum. It conveys the information that a certain amount of WTAO has been locked on Ethereum and needs to be mirrored (or bridged) on Arbitrum.

  • Minting on Arbitrum: Upon successful validation, a corresponding amount of WTAO is minted on the Arbitrum network.

The user can now access and use their WTAO on the Arbitrum network, benefitting from the lower fees and higher scalability offered by the Layer 2 solution.

Bridging WTAO from Arbitrum to Ethereum

  • Burning Assets: WTAO tokens on Arbitrum are minted. To ensure that the same assets are not simultaneously used on both networks and avoid double-spending, the WTAO tokens on Arbitrum are burned when bridging to Ethereum.

  • Communication via Layer Zero: The Layer Zero protocol facilitates the communication between Arbitrum and Ethereum. It conveys the information that a certain amount of WTAO has been burned on Arbitrum and they need to be unlocked on Ethereum.

  • Unlocking WTAO on Ethereum: Upon successful validation, a corresponding amount of WTAO is unlocked on the Ethereum network.

Last updated