⚙️Launchpad Information

Allocation Process

Everyone can allocate, with or without holding TPAD tokens. To participate in a sale, potential investors allocate a certain number of $wTao to the launch pool. The more wTAO are put into that pool, the higher the token price for the project token on sale.

Rewards Mechanism

TaoPad charges a fee of 10% (open for negotiation) of the raised funds to every project utilizing its launchpad. Successful launch fees are rewarded to TPAD holders, giving them a tangible advantage. Rewards are then distributed gradually, requiring holders to maintain their TPAD to earn full benefits.

How to contact us

If you are a team or project looking to launch on TaoPad, please reach out to either



@TaoProfessor, @Serotonin_master or @VeritasLiberati on Telegram

Last updated